I waited a bit, after those in the white uniforms lined the red carpet that let to a waiting car, 20 or so well dressed Thai people walked briskly to the waiting cars, opened the doors and stood by the open doors. The solders then snapped to attention and saluted as band started playing while a person under a large purple parasol (held by someone walking behind) walked to the waiting lead car. The solders remained at attention until the car drove down the street, did a u-turn and drove on the other side past where they standing. Only then did they seem to relax a bit and asked one solder who that was, the king? His English was minimal and he said "no king, but I don't know know how to say." I pressed a bit and asked "Queen?" and he shook his head and said "daughter of king." So, I am not completely sure, but I think I saw one of the princesses. The entourage was certainly impressive. In consulting my detailed map, it seems that she came out of a school for the blind. I can only image that there was some dedication or ceremony there that she attended.
Very impressive.
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